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The Indie Author’s Rollercoaster

Jul 10

2 min read




Being an indie author means flying solo, without the safety net of a publishing house or literary agent. Many people think that writing a book is a thrilling adventure and that if your book is good, publishers will be knocking down your door. Unfortunately, that’s a big misconception. A reputable publishing house won’t even look at your manuscript without a literary agent's endorsement. And good luck finding one of those—most agents are either closed to new submissions or overwhelmed with reading manuscripts from dawn till dusk.

So, many of us take the independent route. Exciting new opportunities await indie authors, but the path is daunting. Picture this: staring at the Kindle Direct Publishing screen, you set the price of your e-book, torn between wanting people to read your work and not wanting to overcharge. Most settle on $2.99 to $3.99, even though we spend $3.65 on a latte daily without a second thought. Yet, for some reason, an e-book purchase feels like an extravagance to many.

After setting the price and publishing the book, reality hits—nothing happens. Dreams of retirement and writing the next bestseller evaporate. Depression sets in. But wait, what about marketing? Right! The author dives into learning the basics: social media ads, blog posts, book review sites, and more. After investing the first thousand bucks, a miracle happens—someone reads… fourteen (!) pages of your book on Kindle Unlimited, earning you a grand total of $0.02. Wow!

Day after day, you keep pushing, and finally, a major milestone: your first e-book sale! A whole $2 in royalties. It’s a start. Spirits are high, and you start working on a sequel. Then, everything grinds to a halt.


Because your first two readers left a 3-star and a 2-star review. Crushed, you quietly close your laptop and disappear on a long, solitary walk. Thankfully, no one you meet knows you’re an author.

This story resonates with thousands, if not tens of thousands, of authors. It's perfectly normal for readers to have different tastes and opinions. We’re all human, after all. However, it’s usually clear whether a book was written just to make a quick buck or if the author truly enjoyed the writing process. Think of it like a cup of coffee—it might be delicious to some but not to everyone's taste.

While ratings matter because they impact sales, there’s a more meaningful perspective for authors. The most important critic of your book is you. If you enjoy reading your own work, then it’s well done.

So, new authors, don’t let the tough times get you down. Remember, being an indie author is a rollercoaster ride with exhilarating highs and challenging lows. Embrace the journey, learn from every experience, and keep writing for the love of it. After all, the most important measure of your book’s success is your own satisfaction. So, keep your spirits high, your keyboard clicking, and don’t surrender easily. Your next masterpiece is just a chapter away!

Jul 10

2 min read





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